
Bringing transparency to Bias in News


**MedLynk is a tool that allows hospital supply chain managers to predict their hospital’s personal protective equipment, or PPE, burn rate, so they can make more informed decisions surrounding PPE management.**

Hygie Solutions

We are working to restore confidence in co-working spaces by helping managers and users collaborate to comply with safe sanitation standards.

Elbow Room

We are designing novel devices and software to help solve issues of social distancing on public transportation.


Empowering university communities with live occupancy data to support campus life while social distancing.

Totem ID

Creating inexpensive COVID-19 diagnostic tests to help make college campuses safer by enabling them to quickly screen for new virus cases


Wait Less, Together.


VitalEyes transforms and streamlines your school or business' cleaning and social distancing strategy, building trust at a lower cost.


We empower world class online events by enabling users to seamlessly move between parallel video conversations.


Clink is a mobile ordering and payment solution for bars.


BuddyEye makes it easy to find fun, safe, and sensory-friendly places for families and friends.


GymSplat is a gym management software company that strives to minimize congestion in order to create a safe and productive workout environment.